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CPAC 2013

Castle Point Anime Convention 2013
April 7th, 2013 * Hoboken, NJ

Yeap, I went another college-run anime convention held in New Jersey.
This con was also easy to reach as I simply took a NJ transit Bus, and it only took less than 20 minutes from the Times Square/Port Authority Bus Terminal.


Bus Route #126, Zone 2, Round Trip Ticket $6.40


I already pre-registered online so the pick-up line was a way shorter than the other line of people buying at-doot-ticket.
I felt so lucky for avoiding a long line.


Then, I headed outside finding a dealers’ room.
The nicely color-printed program guide had a convention map, but since I’m a map-blind not seeing any kind of maps correctly, I decided to ask nearby CPAC staffs. And 2 staffs near the entrance of building had no idea where the dealers’ room is located. So I just wondered around this nice green campus looking for the specific building where other cosplayers were going into.
Yeap, in a convention like this, you don’t need a map, but follow your “cosplay” instinct.
And there was a scene I didn’t see at SpringFestNY 2013. The center of campus was filled with quite a lot of cosplayers!




Anyway, I found the dealers’ room & artists’ alley.


Then, I’m out again meeting TheBigTog Photography. We had one fun comedy Miku LOL photoshoot. ^_^

After the shoot, I headed back to NY getting on a bus 126 again.

Comparing to the previous college-run convention (SpringFestNY), CPAC was a little better in a way of saying you get a chance to see more cosplayers under nice sunny weather (a bit windy though). This was one day con and the online ticket cost only $12.00 so I definitely recommend you pre-register online to avoid a long waiting line next year.

SpringFestNY 2013

Other than NYCC, I found another con that can be reached by NY subway. And it was snowing on Saturday.


SpringFestNY 2013 (March 16th&17th) is run by PAS (Poly Anime Society) and NYU-Poly. So it’s a small college-run con with a 25 dollar 2-day ticket (plus extra $3 of convenience charge when purchasing online)


I picked up my badge and received an orange plastic bag filled with a printed program guide and a pen.
I wonder if there is something about orange that means for this college and con.
The badge was orange, plastic bag was orange, and the restroom wall was orange.



And yes, they got the dealer’s room & artists alley both in one class room.


The building had  nice and large elevators bringing people up and down without waiting a minute.
At the 4th floor, there was an outdoor balcony where a few cosplayers went out to take their photos.
It was still snowing, but soon changed to rain later.


While I was wondering a hallway, a kind staff near cafeteria gave me information that a masquerade would begin at 3pm.
So I headed to another building across. And at there, attendees were told to wait almost for an hour.
Another cool moment of enjoying the delay.


Uncle Yo was the MC, and probably about 8-9 skits were performed mostly singing /lip syncing/dancing with Jpop songs.
After that, Sneko had a live concert with other maid cafe members.
So that wrapped up my Saturday experience at SpringFestNY.

Overall, SpringFestNY was a nice small con to go and relax~~~~
It’s definitely NOT crazy crowded like NYCC, so everything is calm, quiet and slow which I partly liked. ^_^
Next year, I hope to see more cosplayers filled up the NYU-Poly campus.

Lastly, here’s a very few shots of cosplayers I met on Saturday.








