photo by TheBigTog

Yes, I’m back from NYCC/NYAF 2010. It’s been 2 weeks since the con ended, and I already miss the crowds and cosplayers at the con.
After the con ended, I’m having post-con depression that my ordinary non-cosplay life feels too simple and boring.
But you know what, there’s only one thing that can cure this symptom. PHOTOS!!~ >__<
The convention center was too crowded that I didn’t really take any picture of other cosplayers like I used to do in the past years. Instead, we had great fun having a photoshoot for our Vocaloid Magnet cosplay.
We had a photoshoot with the amazing photographer, TheBigTog.
And this time we tried the outside shoot at night.
It was windy and cold, but the weather couldn’t stop us for enjoying the shoot!
Many thanks to TheBigTog for the great shots he made!
Also, special thanks to my friend who cosplayed Kagamine Rin.
I’m marking my next year’s calendar for NYCC / NYAF 2011 on October 14~16.
See you all at next year’s con!
For more photos, visit TheBigTog’s Flickr page.
After I’m done with making my Halloween costume for MangaNEXT 2010, I’ll soon post more pics on my website, too. ^_^