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cosaru is going to New York Comic Con

Cosaru is attending New York Comic Con on October 14, 15 & 16.
Somehow it’s sad to see the “anime” mood is dissapearing, yet the “comic” thing is overpowering the convention center.
Well…that’s what I felt seeing from the last year’s experience.
So I see the reason why it’s (mainly) called NYCC rather than NYAF…
But there will be still a number of anime cosplayers among marvel cosplayers, so I’ll be happy to go this year’s NYCC.
Cosaru is going to the con as an attendee, cosplayer, and photographer ^_^
Cosaru Cosplay Group will be there wearing new kimono-inspiring dresses I made.
I’ll post the photos of these new costumes as soon as I complete them  (hopefully before going to the con)

And while I’m busy making our new NYCC costumes, the September schedule is closed for taking custom-sized orders.
You may still order pre-made items in any time.
I’ll be able to start order-made/custom-sized items after the con ends on October 17th.